Motivational Speaker

Founder Kirsty Baird has been described by the Scotsman as an ‘entrepreneur’ in their Monday interview.

It’s important to not put limits on yourself and instead follow your heart and make a life where you dance to the beat of your own drum.

The possibilities become endless when you have a little more faith and a little more self belief.

People are very to quick to believe others opinions of themselves or actually create opinions of themselves that are not even there.  Kirsty spends her working week encouraging her members to believe in themselves and their capabilities and with ‘witty banter’ and audience participation, she can easily hold an audiences attention.


‘I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to be the Guest of Honour at our Awards Ceremony the other day, and for then delivering such a heartfelt and inspirational speech. It was terrific, and commented upon by many of those who were there that evening’

Ian Adair – Head Teacher at Dunfermline High School