Its fair to say that this is a horrible time for everyone and it’s likely to change who we are and the way we live for a long time. We are all going to learn lots of things about ourselves, our family, neighbours and the world in general because how we react to this will determine how well we come out the other side.
As a singer and musician I have tools that I can trust in to bring me out of darker hours and days. Music can keep me busy, motivated and enveloped in something that dosn’t have to be connected to anything external, it can all be internal allowing me escape when I need to. However, thankfully it can also be very external and it can envelope all around me who choose to get involved with me and our team and try to save our sanity one song at a time.
It’s only been one official day of our lock down and one week of social distancing but already I have seen our members pull together to keep the business going. I have seen members help each other get online, set up accounts, download software and teach each other how to use it. I have watched people in their own homes singing, dancing and chatting and for the odd moment it’s hard to believe they are living under this huge big black cloud of Corona Virus.
Team spirit will shine through. We will survive this and we will survive it together because our ethos demands it. Annette and I going live twice a week on facebook allows everyone to come together and just be one positive group of people going through the same horrible adventure. It’s not just for members, it’s for their families and friends, it’s for people on the other side of the world as much as it is for our neighbours.
I am going to look on the next month as a time that I can learn a new skill, or maybe many new skills. As a coach I have always been happy and willing to learn new ways to engage and enthuse people and I will continue to do that online but I can also use some of the time to learn to sketch and draw better. Lets learn something about ourselves? This is upon us, there is no option for passing straight to GO. There is no option to see our friends or family. There is no option to save our businesses so we may as well use this time wisely and put our abilities to other uses like improving ourselves. Watch your thoughts, choose your words carefully and try and be as positive as you can.
Contact us if you need any help with anything technical or just to have a chat. We are all still here for each other. Stay in and stay safe.
#thistooshallpass #teamgame #morethanachoir